Frequently asked questions
Why did you create this platform?
Disparities in legal rights, education outcomes, access to healthcare and economic mobility are a result of policies. Disenfranchisement is key to maintaining the status quo power dynamic.
Economist Jhacova Williams recently found that Black people who reside in southern counties that experienced a relatively higher number of historical lynchings have lower voter registration rates today. Political behaviors are learned behaviors often taught to us by people we trust, like family members. Low voter participation in certain communities is tied to historical oppression.
1000 MORE disrupts the big lobby and the status quo by removing barriers to civic empowerment for communities who have traditionally been disenfranchised. We provide non-partisan information about upcoming legislative votes written at a third-grade level because 54% of American adults read below a sixth-grade level. Even politically engaged Americans typically vote every two to four years, and don't check-in with their elected officials in between, while lobbyists talk to elected officials every day. Many organizations register voters and get people to the polls; we do everything beyond elections.
Why don’t you have state and local legislation?
At 1000 MORE we know that participation in politics at the state and local level is important and we are working to launch state and local features as soon as possible. We started with federal legislation so we could reach the largest amount of customers. With federal legislation we cover 535 members of congress and thousands of pieces of legislation each year. When we launch to states, those numbers will multiply by 50. That is going require a larger team, so the best way to help us launch state and local features sooner, is to use the platform and spread the word!
Why is the platform called 1000 MORE?
The founder named it after her favorite quote, often attributed to Harriet Tubman, "I freed 1000 slaves, I could have freed 1000 more, if only they had known they were slaves." She believes that if only people knew how powerful their voice is in a democracy, they would realize their full civic power. Months after buying the domain, while sitting in a New Orleans coffee shop preparing to pitch the idea for the first time, she discovered that Harriet Tubman never said that, but our name still embodies the sentiment.
Do you sell data?
We will never sell your personal information. We anonymize all data that we share. For example, we will tell your elected official how many people in their district voted for and against a bill, but we will not tell them who.
Why do I have to put in my full address?
Some zip codes straddle multiple congressional districts, so we need a full street address to tell you who your elected officials are.
Can I download it in the app store?
Yes! Click here to download in the Apple App Store today.
Have another question?
Send us a note.